Easy Watercolor Drawing Ideas

Watercolor is a centuries-old art form that consists of drawing with a watercolor palette. There are many different ways to do watercolor drawings, so it really depends on what you want to express. Some people prefer to use simple lines and shapes while others prefer more complex or innovative drawings.

Watercolor drawing is a great way to express your ideas and feelings. There are many easy watercolor drawing ideas that can be used to get started in this art form. Regardless of how you approach watercolor drawing, there are some basic principles that will help you get started.

What are Easy Watercolor Drawing Ideas?

Watercolor is a great way to express your ideas and emotions. It can be used to depict nature, people, or other scenes. There are many easy watercolor drawing ideas that you can use to get started.

Here are 9 of the best options

1. Start with the basics. Drawing is all about starting with the basics. Choose a color, chose a subject, and then begin drawing the basic shapes and objects. This will give you a good foundation on which to build more complex compositions and layers in the future.

2. Mix it up. If you want to explore different techniques or novelty ideas, experiment with watercolors in different ways. Use different opacity levels, add light or dark strokes, or even use erasers for added texture or fun!

3. Try to use a variety of mediums. For example, if you’re painting in oil, try painting with watercolor as well. If you have access to acrylic paint, mix a few drops of water with the color you’re using to get that great “wet” look. You can also experiment with acrylics or even pastels for a softer finish. You’ll be amazed at the variety of options!

4. Have a variety of media to experiment with. Experiment with collages, painting on paper, and even hand-sewn pieces. You can also use objects from your collection as inspiration for new pieces. You’ll be surprised at how much fun you’ll have creating new works!

5. Experiment with different shapes and sizes. You can experiment with the size, shape, and overall look of your work by using different media. For example, if you’re painting large landscapes on canvas, you can paint larger landscapes than if you’re painting smaller landscapes.

6. Experiment with different paint textures and paints. Use several different types of paint at the same time to create a more three-dimensional look to your paintings.

7. Paint on a variety of media. Experiment with different methods of painting on the same piece of paper. You can use any medium, such as acrylic paint, oil paints, watercolor paints, pastel paints, or ink.

8. Experiment with different styles of painting. Choose a style that you like and use it throughout the entire composition. If you use a style that is not your favorite, don’t force it on the painting.

9. Experiment with different compositional elements. You can use some of the same elements as in traditional paintings, but create them in a way that will add more depth to your artwork.

How to Start Painting with Watercolors

Watercolors are a great way to add life and color to your drawings and paintings. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist, there is some easy watercolor drawing ideas that you can use to get started.

Here are 7 of the best

1. Start with a light wash of color in the lower left corner of your canvas. This will help to create a natural look for your painting and add a startle when looking at it from different angles.

2. Use darker colors towards the right-hand side of your canvas, using lighter colors as needed to evoke the desired effect. In between these two extremes, try experimenting with various techniques and colors until you find what works best for you.

3. Begin by making basic shapes out of thin lines or circles using black, white, or grey paint. Add some subtle shading as you go.

4. Once your shapes are nice and smooth, begin to add texture with thicker strokes of paint and more complex shapes.

5. Eventually, you’ll reach the point where you have enough shapes to create a whole picture. If you still have some grey or white in your painting, add highlights and shadows to bring out more of the colors in your image.

6. Add more layers of paint as you continue to refine your painting.

7. Once you have a good picture, try adding some of the other tools in our tutorial on painting with dashes and stars.

Use these tools to complete your work and make it look like an artist!

What are the Best Colors for Watercolor Paintings?

Watercolor paintings are a great way to express yourself and your feelings. The colors that work best for watercolor paintings can be difficult to choose, but there are some general colors that can be used in most watercolor paintings.

Here are 5 ideas for the best colors for watercolor paintings

1) Blue is a great color for flowers and nature scenes. It’s bright, cheerful, and easy to mix with other colors to create a unique painting.

2) Green is another great color for nature scenes and flower petals. It’s fresh and provides a calming feeling.

3) Yellow is another versatile color that can be used in many different ways. It can be used as an accent color or as the main color in a painting.

4) Orange is another great option for watercolor paintings if you want something lively and bright. It’s also a great surface color for paintings, especially if you want to use it in combination with other colors.

5) Purple is another great color for watercolor paintings.


In short, these watercolor drawing ideas can help you get started in this medium. Whether you’re looking to add a splash of color to your illustrations or just want to improve your skills, these ideas will get you started. If you have any questions or comments about this article, please feel free to leave them below.

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