How to Disguise a Turkey Drawing

If you’re looking for a way to disguise a turkey drawing, you might want to try using a background. You can find many different types of backgrounds at your local arts and crafts store.

You can also use simple objects, such as leaves or pieces of paper, to create a background. Once you have your background, it’s time to start decorating your turkey Drawing.

One way is to cover the turkey drawing with another picture or piece of paper. Another option is to use different colors and patterns on the turkey drawing to make it look more like something else.

You could also try adding some creative details or highlights to the turkey drawing that will help disguise it. There are a few ways to go about it, this article will provide some tips on how to do so.

Why Disguise a Turkey Drawing?

There are many reasons why someone might want to disguise a turkey drawing. Maybe they don’t want their family or friends to know they’re an artist, or they just don’t feel like their drawing is good enough yet and want to develop it further before showing it off.

There are a few ways to disguise a turkey drawing without actually changing the subject matter. One way is to change the background color, either by adding another color or using a gradient.

Another option is to add different objects into the scene, either drawings of trees or flowers, to give the picture more depth and dimension.

Finally, some people choose to use textures and patterns in order to make the drawing look less like a turkey and more like something else.

How to Disguise a Turkey Drawing

If you are looking to disguise a turkey drawing that you drew in art class, there are a few things that you can do. One way is to use different colors and shades of paint to create a different look.

For example, if your turkey drawing is green and brown, you could change the color of the green to blue and use lighter browns for the feathers.

Another option is to use textures or patterns to change up the look. You could add spots or lines with a brushstroke that has a rough texture, or use strokes that have an angular pattern.

Finally, if your turkey drawing is simple enough, you could simply leave it as is and just add some extra details to make it more realistic.

Methods of Disguising a Turkey Drawing

Methods of disguising a turkey drawing can be as simple or complex as the artist desires. The goal is to make the turkey drawing look like something else entirely. There are many ways to do this, and the artist should experiment until they find a method that works best for them.

Some artists choose to use simple disguises, such as changing the background color or adding details that make it look like a different animal. Other artists prefer more complex methods, such as using shading and perspective to create a realistic disguise.

No matter what method an artist chooses, they should be careful not to change too much about the original turkey drawing, or their disguise will be obvious.

Here are a few methods

Changing the subject

Changing the subject can be a great way to disguise a turkey drawing. There are many different ways to do this, and the most important part is to make sure your subject is interesting and unique.

Artists often choose to draw animals that are real-life disguises, such as a baby squirrel in the middle of an oak tree. You can also choose to draw your subject from a different angle or with different lighting.

Using different mediums

Different mediums can be used to disguise a turkey drawing. One way is to use a different colored pencil. Another is to use thinner lines or erase some of the details. Another option is to add extra lines or layers to make the drawing look more like a painting.

Adding elements of humor

Humor is an important part of life, and can be used to disguise drawings of turkey. For example, if you are drawing a turkey that has been killed by the hunters, you might disguise it as if it were still alive by drawing a funny hat on its head and adding humorous body features.

You could also add feathers or other odd decorations to make it more comical. The key is to use your imagination and have fun with the drawing!

Playing with perspective

Perspective can be used to disguise drawings of different animals. By altering the position of the viewer, it is possible to make a turkey look like a dog, a cat, or even a rabbit.

To do this, first, draw your original drawing using accurate proportions and accurate features. Once you have completed your drawing, move it around so that it is looking different from where you started.

What You’ll Need

If you want to disguise a turkey drawing as a realistic painting, you’ll need the following supplies

A turkey drawing

Paint or another medium of your choice

Artist’s canvas or other large surfaces

Straws or chopsticks for blending

Black paint or charcoal pencils to create shadows

White paint or chalk for highlights and erasers


If you are looking to disguise a turkey drawing, there are a few different methods that you can use. One way is to use different colors and shading to create the illusion of a different animal.

Another way is to use a background that is similar in color to the turkey drawing but with less detail. If you want an even more realistic disguise, you can try using Photoshop or another illustration software program to add details that make it look like a real turkey.

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